Wat is het project? (in Dutch)
In een aantal modules co-creeren we samen met leerders strategieen die hen kunnen helpen hun taalleervaardigheden te versterken. Elke partner in het project probeert andere strategieen uit. Die strategieen die goed uitpakken, pilotten we nog een keer bij een andere partner. We streven ernaar om acht tot 10 werkende en beproefde strategieen over te houden. Over die strategieen gaan we een animatie maken die docenten kunnen gebruiken om met hun leerders het gesprek aan te gaan over leerstrategieen en taalleren.
We ontwikkelen ook een korte handleiding voor docenten en een handvat voor meertalige klassenassistenten of docenten over hoe zij de eigen talen van de cursisten kunnen benutten.
What's the project about? (in English)
The main aim is to develop insights in the language learning strategies that support LESLLA learners, through an iterative process of co-construction. Since our learning habits and skills develop through our learning experiences, it is likely that LESLLA learners have developed strategies different from those of educated learners and from those of their teachers. The project aims at supporting learners to improve their learning. We will improve their learning by co-constructing language learning strategies that work for them.
Co-construction is a concept that allows learners to build on their strengths, to learn from others and to expand their knowledge on and awareness of the strategies they use. One of the outcomes of the project is a series of short animated films, that will serve as conversation starters. The video's, in the languages of the learners, will enable future LESLLA teachers and learners to discuss the topic of how to proceed in language learning.
During the (school) year 2023-2024 we will write Blogs about our gained insights and tips on a regular basis, to be published on EPALE. (Voor de Nederlandse geinteresseerden: we kondigen nieuwe blogs aan via de LinkedIn-pagina van het ITTA. Dus houdt die in de gaten!)
- Blog 1: “How to learn a language? Learning strategies for Adult Literacy Learners”
- Blog 2: "Co-creation as a means to autonomy in learning"
- Blog 3: ''Telling life stories"
- Blog 4: "Artwork"
- Blog 5: "Reading strategies from context"
- Blog 6: "Memory strategies" / 'Geheugenstrategieen"
- Blog 7: "Selecting learning goals"
- Blog 8: "Language is everywhere"/ "Sprache ist überall"
H2L2 is an Erasmus+ KA2- strategic partnership in which the following organizations take part:
- Second Chance School of Mytilene (Greece)
- Orient Express (Austria)
- C.P.I.A. Sede di Ancona and Universita Degli Studi Di Macerata (Italy)
- TopTaal NT2 Experts
- Kaatje Dalderop
- ITTA UvA (The Netherlands, Elwine Halewijn)